dirty larry
JoinedTopics Started by dirty larry
by Xena ini notice when i am in chat a lot of people take "smoke" breaks.
i wonder how many of ya'll took up smoking after the left the org?
personally i have tried a ciggy a time or two but didn't really take to it...if i am going to smoke something i want it to make me...uuummm happy
by BERNARD inmost people are under the impression that the watchtower.
don't break up families, well people lets give them a. few examples.
since i left the jehovah witnesses my mother .
should mothers work?
by sleepy inshould mothers work?.
i was just reading how some tv personnality earns 250.000 a year and pays for someone to mind her children.. isn't this making her job more important than her children?would she pay this much herself for a child minder or is her job more important than being certain her children are recieving the best care?.
thats just thinking aloud ' i'm not sure where i stand on this.. maybe staying home with young children all day is to much for one human prehaps we need to do other things and children don't need their mother all the time and are ok with someone else.. i was looked after by my mother when young who gave up her job when pregnant with her first child.. my wife however was looked after by a child minder while her mum went to work .she feels she didn't miss out and would do the same.
Taliban prisoners in Cuba
by Abaddon indoes this trouble anyone?.
it seems semantic tom-foolery to declare a war on terrorism, and then to say that prisoners of the war are not prisoners of war.. it also seems very suspect keeping them of proper usa soil, as where they are they are out of sight, mind, or appeal by civil-rights factions.. do not get me wrong.. i am not saying, "ah, poor ickle terrorists".. but in a war against terror, surely taking each and every opportunity to distance yourself from your enemies is the wisest and best course of action?.
why do anything that is even remotely dodgy or underhand?.
Screen Name vs Character
by Amazing insince my character is part of the issues that have been addressed by several posters, i thought that i would clear this up:.
teejay said: conclusion: no more insulting than you when you mentioned that one has to wonder about someone who'd pick the screen name "amazing.".
i am not sure if teejay shares agreement with what he quoted, but for discussion sake, i will treat it as though he does.
Thanking most of the board
by Valentine inespecially simon and ann,.
and all those who emailed me with love concern and support.i received about 60 emails,several phone calls.. your love and compassion helped me thru a bad few days.
and for those who gave me unconditional love,for my acting out behavior,you are the people that makes this place and the world better for all.. you know who you are,thank you so very very much for this loving community called jwd.
by silentlambs ini wish to make a comment on something that disturbs me deeply to the point i cannot let it pass or be ignored.
a little over a year ago i resigned as an elder to protest wt policy and how it hurt children.
the impetus that brought me to that conclusion was a child i knew personally that was in danger.
Cat Lovers
by larc incat lovers,.
of all the cats you have owned, which one was your favorite pussy?
if 1000 years =1 day to God the:
by rekless injesus only was away from god for 33 minutes.. i would let my children suffer like jesus if i knew they would be with me for the rest of eternity.